Innovation tour Flevoland during PotatoEurope 2025
Horizon Flevoland is pleased to organize, on Tuesday 2 September, an exclusive innovation tour for visitors to Potato Europe 2025 in Lelystad. With the tour, we wish to offer visitors the opportunity to visit with innovative companies within our unique regional ecosystem before the tradefair. Join us on the bus to discover the distinctive province of Flevoland, with a focus on a few key themes and the practical and concrete application of innovative tehchnology by Dutch inventors and companies in the region. Our goal is to provide international visitors a solid foundation upon which to build upon when they visit Potato Europe on 3 and 4 September.
Companies that have already committed to participating in the innovation tour include Vegniek, MCR Machinery, VAM Watertech, and Fieldworkers.
Don’t delay, sign up today to take advantage of the opportunity to make the most of your visit to Potato Europe. Upon registration, Horizon will keep you informed by mail of the final program on 2 September. We look forward to welcoming you on 2 September in Lelystad!
Innovation tour Flevoland
Registration website for Innovation tour FlevolandInnovation tour
Innovation tour Flevolandcommunicatie@horizonflevoland.nl
Innovation tour FlevolandInnovation tour Flevoland0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
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